"We just ran to the grocery store when..."

My husband and I ran to the grocery store and left our teen son at home.  He decided to wash his football uniform and somehow, we came back to a flooded apartment.  Not only our apartment, but 2 of our neighbor's apartments were also flooded. While my Renter's Insurance policy covered most of the accidental damage caused, there was a large amount left for us to pay.  Thankfully, we signed up for Protect The Apartment, which covered what the Renter's Insurance company did not pay.

"But Mom, it was an accident..."

While I was at work, my kids wanted to give our dog a bath. They forgot to turn the water in the tub off after my dog jumped out of the tub and this caused my bathroom and my neighbors to flood.  Without Protect The Apartment, I would be left trying to pay the balance of what Renter's Insurance did not pay. Needless to say, I will be bathing the dog moving forward!